Fav Water: 
Fav Technique: 
Jeff Pate
Fav Water: 
Fav Technique: 
John Niebel
Joined:  Aug 2021
Fav Water:  Clear Lake, CA Delta, New Melones
Fav Technique:  Covering a lot of water quickly 
                             with reaction baits.
Joined:  August 2021
Fav Water: 
Fav Technique: 
Ron Racilis
Alex Wen
Igor Reiant
Joined:  Jan 2014
Boat:  '09 Legend Alpha
Fav Water:  Clear Lake
Fav Technique:  Cranking, Chatterbaits
Brian Roh
Joined:  Jan 2017
Boat:  Champion
Fav Water:  New Melones
Fav Technique:  Jigs
Spiro Stamos
Joined:  2003
Boat:  Champion
Fav Water:  Clear Lake
Fav Technique:  Trolling motor on high!
Frank Tan
Joined:  Jan 2019
Boat:  2018 Tracker / 175 TXW
Fav Water:  Delta
Fav Technique:  Cranking and weightless flukes
Joined:  May 2016
Boat:  Crestliner
Fav Water:  Delta
Fav Technique:  Downrigging
Steve Tonelli

Joined:  Mar 2015
Boat:  '09 Ranger
Favorite Water:  Clear Lake
Strengths:  Jigs and Plastics
Ryan Uda
Joined:  July 2021
Boat: Tracker Pro Team 185
Fav Water: Clear Lake, Berryessa
Fav Technique: jig, swim baits, buzz bait
Tyler Swasey
Randy Trampush
Joined:  Oct 2010
Boat:  BassCat Cougar
Fav Water:  Lake Shasta in December & January
Fav Technique:  All techniques that are catching better fish
                             in the moment
Matt Yezzo
Joined:  July 2023
Fav Water: 
Fav Technique: 
Member entries are listed
alphabetically by last name.

A - M, N - Y, New Members
Tournament Entry Fee
 Division 1 ("Boater"):
 - $60.00 per angler

 Division 2 ("Co-Angler)
 - $30.00 per angler

 $10.00 of each entry fee is
 allocated to the "Big Fish"
 payout. "Big Fish" is a
 Division1/Division 2
 combined competition with
 a  single winner.

 Payout Schedule
 (100% payout)

 - PayPal may be used for
    payment. Make the
    payment to:

 You may also setup and use
 the  following PayPal QR 
 code for payment:

 Contact Dustin Cognetti
 (club treasurer) for Zelle
 payment information.
Annual Membership Dues
- $120.00

 - PayPal may be used for
    payment. Make the
    payment to:

 You may also setup and use
 the  following PayPal QR 
 code for payment:

 Contact Dustin Cognetti
 (club treasurer) for Zelle
 payment information.