Bay Area BassBusters (BABB), formerly Santa Clara BassBusters is a regional bass fishing club with membership available to all Northern California bass anglers. Detailed information describing the rebranding, including changes to the club’s operation is available on the About webpage.
The club typically holds one tournament per month, January-November, with December as an open date to be used if a ‘make up’ tournament is needed. Tournaments are either a one-day (Saturday) or two-day (Saturday and Sunday) event. Occasionally, an event will be scheduled as a night tournament. Tournament pairing (boater and co-angler) is either via a random draw or a “pick-your-partner” format. Each type of pairing is described in the Tournament Rules.
Information describing club membership dues, mandatory tournament entry fees, payout schedules (100% payout), and methods for payment of membership dues and tournament entry fees is available on the Dues Fees Payment webpage.
Club membership is available to all Northern California licensed anglers who are 18 years or older. We welcome both boat owners and co-anglers to inquire about club membership.
A prospective member must successfully compete the following:
and all applicable California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) regulations.
2. Complete the “New Member Form” with all requested information (link below).
BABB club membership." In that email, please provide a date for an upcoming club
meeting, which you plan to attend either in-person or via Zoom. Include any additional
information about yourself that would facilitate your introduction to club members.
4. After attending the first required club meeting, select an upcoming, single club
tournament that you will enter, paired with an active club member. Upcoming club
5. After competing in the above club tournament, attend a required “follow up” meeting,
either in-person or via Zoom, where the active member tournament partner will provide
feedback to the club.
6. At that “follow-up” meeting, after discussing the active tournament member’s feedback,
the club membership will vote to either approve or reject the prospective member’s
application for the club membership. Approval requires a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative
membership vote total of active members attending the “follow up” meeting.
Club meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. Additional meeting details are available on the club website homepage.